Dallas buyers club gay bar song

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Even though he’s a dead man, Ron recognizes a business opportunity when he sees one. When his supply dries up, Ron heads to a fleabag clinic in Mexico, where an unlicensed American doctor (Griffin Dunne) starts him on a cocktail of non-FDA-approved vitamins and proteins.

Considered too far gone to benefit from AZT trials, he bribes a hospital janitor to get him doses of the experimental drug, and then gobbles the pills down like a fistful of beer nuts with a booze and cocaine chaser. When he’s told he has 30 days to live, all that the bigoted, proudly heterosexual Ron can think to say is ”I ain’t no faggot!” Can a man like this be redeemed? That’s the prickly question Jean-Marc Vallée’s film sets out to answer. Dallas Buyers Club is based on the true story of Ron Woodroof, a rodeo-loving Texas good ol’ boy who has a work accident that lands him in the hospital, where a routine blood test reveals that he has HIV.

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